 » Showing 21 of 21 pilot(s) from corporationDate of Birth
Erasmus AtreidesErasmus Atreides2019-01-03 03:53:06
Silcor ArisSilcor Aris2018-07-22 06:32:14
Rayne DelathorRayne Delathor2018-03-08 04:18:54
Kirito BathanaKirito Bathana2018-01-16 19:06:00
Asuka HayamiAsuka Hayami2017-12-28 01:34:56
Pere YoshiPere Yoshi2017-12-19 21:38:52
SofaKing SleepySofaKing Sleepy2017-06-04 23:04:13
Cleaner RobinCleaner Robin2017-05-07 17:53:01
Vagyok AustreneVagyok Austrene2017-05-02 02:25:44
Cole KlimsaaCole Klimsaa2017-04-17 22:45:47
Leo KlimsaaLeo Klimsaa2017-04-15 06:11:47
Jay BlueFireJay BlueFire2016-05-01 19:12:15
FracescaFracesca2015-10-16 02:31:27
Rauri SangRauri Sang2015-09-12 00:40:25
Tanaris HemahTanaris Hemah2014-08-11 02:33:19
Vierkun RajinVierkun Rajin2014-02-15 03:44:09
Thebigsailor ElleconThebigsailor Ellecon2012-09-14 03:38:43
Entiria PirvaEntiria Pirva2011-10-22 14:01:00
Commander VorianCommander Vorian2011-10-22 07:15:00
Erburus BabyeaterErburus Babyeater2007-07-28 06:30:00
PheonyshPheonysh2004-06-19 03:04:00

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