 » Showing 50 of 106 pilot(s) from alliance CorporationDate of Birth
Halo EstirasHalo EstirasShepards Of MettleShepards Of Mettle2024-03-20 14:58:16
Alpha PoundsAlpha PoundsShepards Of MettleShepards Of Mettle2021-01-07 17:00:58
Jack Ancient O'NeillJack Ancient O'NeillFederal VanguardFederal Vanguard2020-11-16 13:51:16
Mi MimooMi MimooFederal VanguardFederal Vanguard2020-11-13 01:08:47
FruslotenFruslotenFederal VanguardFederal Vanguard2020-11-07 19:12:44
BloodSlayer429BloodSlayer429Federal VanguardFederal Vanguard2020-10-05 14:03:20
Elige Ghes MadullierElige Ghes MadullierFederal VanguardFederal Vanguard2020-09-25 16:25:47
ClordtClordtFederal VanguardFederal Vanguard2020-09-14 18:26:16
Ivelaert CadelanneIvelaert CadelanneFederal VanguardFederal Vanguard2020-07-16 10:04:26
arius novaarius novaFederal VanguardFederal Vanguard2020-05-08 23:21:33
Count Doo-koCount Doo-koFederal VanguardFederal Vanguard2020-04-03 10:23:46
Art CaneArt CaneShepards Of MettleShepards Of Mettle2020-03-16 20:58:53
Kosh Kosh KoshKosh Kosh KoshShepards Of MettleShepards Of Mettle2019-10-12 02:34:09
Galen MericGalen MericShepards Of MettleShepards Of Mettle2019-08-08 14:08:46
Legend CoxLegend CoxShepards Of MettleShepards Of Mettle2019-03-08 18:05:38
1st impact1st impactFederal VanguardFederal Vanguard2019-02-24 18:44:18
The Great AlucardThe Great AlucardShepards Of MettleShepards Of Mettle2019-02-21 20:01:50
Klamm UruzganKlamm UruzganFederal Beacon BrigadeFederal Beacon Brigade2019-02-15 23:24:46
Pele ExploresPele ExploresFederal VanguardFederal Vanguard2019-02-12 21:47:58
Kenny ChastotKenny ChastotFederal VanguardFederal Vanguard2019-02-07 05:59:10
Anus Wrecker69Anus Wrecker69Federal VanguardFederal Vanguard2019-01-21 22:08:56
Budgy SmugglerBudgy SmugglerFederal VanguardFederal Vanguard2018-10-17 05:43:36
Admiral Mentaki CaldenAdmiral Mentaki CaldenForward Guard CommandForward Guard Command2018-09-28 00:38:38
Sin YatolilaSin YatolilaFederal VanguardFederal Vanguard2018-09-21 20:46:08
Ava AtarAva AtarShepards Of MettleShepards Of Mettle2018-08-15 16:41:43
Ezechiel LynxEzechiel LynxShepards Of MettleShepards Of Mettle2018-08-14 17:13:06
Fax Me DadiFax Me DadiMecha Enterprises FleetMecha Enterprises Fleet2018-07-25 20:04:36
pegaso3pegaso3Federal VanguardFederal Vanguard2018-07-04 14:36:03
Aundrey en GravonereAundrey en GravonereFederal VanguardFederal Vanguard2018-06-17 21:49:12
Makezie ItuinMakezie ItuinFederal Beacon BrigadeFederal Beacon Brigade2018-06-09 15:24:24
Azgris OngrardAzgris OngrardFederal VanguardFederal Vanguard2018-05-26 22:21:58
MINGO BOON AntollareMINGO BOON AntollareFederal VanguardFederal Vanguard2018-05-14 19:10:08
Skorn HydraSkorn HydraRetentumRetentum2018-04-04 16:25:50
Oroborus NordarOroborus NordarRetentumRetentum2018-03-28 05:41:34
Cyno McBeacon FaceCyno McBeacon FaceFederal Beacon BrigadeFederal Beacon Brigade2018-03-03 06:20:48
Aricon MaricadieAricon MaricadieShepards Of MettleShepards Of Mettle2018-01-27 22:47:37
Corvo VermelhoCorvo VermelhoFederal VanguardFederal Vanguard2017-10-30 22:09:10
Mitchel DargerMitchel DargerFederal VanguardFederal Vanguard2017-10-27 21:25:42
Marcus ThiesanttMarcus ThiesanttFederal VanguardFederal Vanguard2017-09-02 21:20:51
Marcus MadulliermanMarcus MadulliermanFederal VanguardFederal Vanguard2017-09-02 19:51:02
filsdelamafilsdelamaShepards Of MettleShepards Of Mettle2017-08-17 05:49:13
Spiteful SpriritsSpiteful SpriritsFederal VanguardFederal Vanguard2017-07-21 03:58:23
ammotruckammotruckFederal VanguardFederal Vanguard2017-05-20 11:09:58
Elisa TolandElisa TolandFederal VanguardFederal Vanguard2017-05-06 11:26:18
ShoutShoutFederal VanguardFederal Vanguard2017-04-28 17:06:48
Aelfstan StarchurnerAelfstan StarchurnerFederal VanguardFederal Vanguard2017-04-26 01:14:35
Arthyom EmpyrikArthyom EmpyrikRetentumRetentum2017-04-17 21:11:03
FEDUP ShuffleFEDUP ShuffleForward Guard CommandForward Guard Command2017-04-04 23:16:40
Rob DrymenRob DrymenMecha Enterprises FleetMecha Enterprises Fleet2017-03-09 08:18:27
Bohtsen HowesBohtsen HowesFederal Beacon BrigadeFederal Beacon Brigade2017-03-05 21:21:17

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