 » Showing 50 of 828 pilot(s) from alliance CorporationDate of Birth
Arsolus GapeArsolus GapeDefence Against the Dark ArtsDefence Against the Dark Arts2024-02-08 10:16:47
Hermione LestrangeHermione LestrangeDefence Against the Dark ArtsDefence Against the Dark Arts2023-09-12 17:20:08
Vorcan EndashiVorcan EndashiDefence Against the Dark ArtsDefence Against the Dark Arts2023-09-11 15:20:20
Wood FirWood FirDefence Against the Dark ArtsDefence Against the Dark Arts2023-09-11 03:17:19
Death Eater YaxleyDeath Eater YaxleyDefence Against the Dark ArtsDefence Against the Dark Arts2023-09-11 01:03:40
Fenrir-GreybackFenrir-GreybackDefence Against the Dark ArtsDefence Against the Dark Arts2023-09-11 00:34:11
Sillius BlackSillius BlackDefence Against the Dark ArtsDefence Against the Dark Arts2023-09-10 23:14:35
Redhead VikiRedhead VikiDefence Against the Dark ArtsDefence Against the Dark Arts2023-09-10 20:46:51
Pup Ruff 4Pup Ruff 4Defence Against the Dark ArtsDefence Against the Dark Arts2023-09-10 15:59:08
Pup RuffPup RuffDefence Against the Dark ArtsDefence Against the Dark Arts2023-09-10 15:53:23
Bliase ZabiniBliase ZabiniDefence Against the Dark ArtsDefence Against the Dark Arts2023-09-10 14:54:31
Theodore BagshotTheodore BagshotDefence Against the Dark ArtsDefence Against the Dark Arts2023-09-10 06:16:47
Nagini KillNagini KillDefence Against the Dark ArtsDefence Against the Dark Arts2023-09-10 04:01:46
Morgana TrimbleMorgana TrimbleDefence Against the Dark ArtsDefence Against the Dark Arts2023-09-10 03:12:40
TSN ShooterTSN ShooterDefence Against the Dark ArtsDefence Against the Dark Arts2023-09-10 00:41:00
Loony Luna LovegoodLoony Luna LovegoodDefence Against the Dark ArtsDefence Against the Dark Arts2023-09-09 20:19:55
Sirius TaterSirius TaterDefence Against the Dark ArtsDefence Against the Dark Arts2023-09-09 19:43:09
Filch RascalcatcherFilch RascalcatcherDefence Against the Dark ArtsDefence Against the Dark Arts2023-09-09 17:55:46
Death Suits MeDeath Suits MeDefence Against the Dark ArtsDefence Against the Dark Arts2023-09-09 16:26:08
Bob Ogden baconaterBob Ogden baconaterDefence Against the Dark ArtsDefence Against the Dark Arts2023-09-09 16:10:32
Aiya AideronAiya AideronDefence Against the Dark ArtsDefence Against the Dark Arts2023-09-09 15:42:17
Fenrir NottFenrir NottDefence Against the Dark ArtsDefence Against the Dark Arts2023-09-09 14:36:50
Godric Griffindor12Godric Griffindor12Defence Against the Dark ArtsDefence Against the Dark Arts2023-09-09 14:30:02
Lila Finch-FletchleyLila Finch-FletchleyDefence Against the Dark ArtsDefence Against the Dark Arts2023-09-09 13:58:00
Jaq B NoirJaq B NoirDefence Against the Dark ArtsDefence Against the Dark Arts2023-09-09 02:14:19
NunduNunduDefence Against the Dark ArtsDefence Against the Dark Arts2023-09-09 00:16:40
Ventrus VectorVentrus VectorDefence Against the Dark ArtsDefence Against the Dark Arts2023-09-08 21:19:39
Kitsuki MaganeKitsuki MaganeDefence Against the Dark ArtsDefence Against the Dark Arts2023-09-08 19:11:08
Rolanda HoochsRolanda HoochsDefence Against the Dark ArtsDefence Against the Dark Arts2023-08-17 14:25:45
Aerial RavenclawAerial RavenclawDefence Against the Dark ArtsDefence Against the Dark Arts2023-08-16 15:22:33
VattenpassVattenpassDefence Against the Dark ArtsDefence Against the Dark Arts2023-08-14 07:36:24
Little Miss-SunshineLittle Miss-SunshineDefence Against the Dark ArtsDefence Against the Dark Arts2023-08-08 21:37:04
Dinkum Knott ThinkumDinkum Knott ThinkumDefence Against the Dark ArtsDefence Against the Dark Arts2023-08-08 17:05:06
Thinkum Nott DinkumThinkum Nott DinkumDefence Against the Dark ArtsDefence Against the Dark Arts2023-08-08 15:25:14
Pawilonek DahmaPawilonek DahmaDefence Against the Dark ArtsDefence Against the Dark Arts2023-08-05 11:52:59
Pawilonek YazriaPawilonek YazriaDefence Against the Dark ArtsDefence Against the Dark Arts2023-08-05 11:50:42
Pawilonek OhuPawilonek OhuDefence Against the Dark ArtsDefence Against the Dark Arts2023-08-02 17:36:49
Pawilonek KhamsiPawilonek KhamsiDefence Against the Dark ArtsDefence Against the Dark Arts2023-08-02 16:24:47
KneazleKneazleDefence Against the Dark ArtsDefence Against the Dark Arts2023-08-02 08:18:55
Righteousness Child AmaraRighteousness Child AmaraDefence Against the Dark ArtsDefence Against the Dark Arts2023-07-16 17:19:56
Wingardium DestruosaWingardium DestruosaDefence Against the Dark ArtsDefence Against the Dark Arts2023-07-16 00:19:15
Professor McGone-a-gallProfessor McGone-a-gallDefence Against the Dark ArtsDefence Against the Dark Arts2023-06-02 17:22:35
Wynter GryffindorWynter GryffindorDefence Against the Dark ArtsDefence Against the Dark Arts2023-05-26 22:52:18
QuinnicQuinnicDefence Against the Dark ArtsDefence Against the Dark Arts2023-05-11 11:56:14
Godric GrindelwaldGodric GrindelwaldDefence Against the Dark ArtsDefence Against the Dark Arts2023-05-06 21:08:19
Pettigrew PeterPettigrew PeterDefence Against the Dark ArtsDefence Against the Dark Arts2023-04-28 04:35:09
Bellatrix NotstrangeBellatrix NotstrangeDefence Against the Dark ArtsDefence Against the Dark Arts2023-04-22 11:45:34
Gnam OdeltGnam OdeltDefence Against the Dark ArtsDefence Against the Dark Arts2023-04-17 07:25:16
BlackSiriusBlackSiriusDefence Against the Dark ArtsDefence Against the Dark Arts2023-04-09 18:46:33
Claud PotsClaud PotsDefence Against the Dark ArtsDefence Against the Dark Arts2023-04-09 03:06:58

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