 » Showing 25 of 25 pilot(s) from corporationDate of Birth
Alnmar JankuAlnmar Janku2017-08-26 14:30:24
CTU EDMUNDSCTU EDMUNDS2015-08-22 15:54:51
Eve FirebrandEve Firebrand2014-12-20 19:46:45
Rhys FirebrandRhys Firebrand2014-12-20 19:06:07
Nick WorldshaperNick Worldshaper2014-08-14 09:42:12
Phoebe FirebrandPhoebe Firebrand2014-02-25 20:21:04
Zoogle FirebrandZoogle Firebrand2014-01-30 17:51:50
Unknown ldentityUnknown ldentity2013-11-23 22:09:58
Discomanco the FourthDiscomanco the Fourth2013-08-04 22:51:55
Discomanco The ThirdDiscomanco The Third2013-03-03 13:14:15
Another AssasinAnother Assasin2013-02-22 16:24:37
Assasinator NationAssasinator Nation2013-01-30 13:30:49
Discomanco AlternativeDiscomanco Alternative2012-12-05 20:18:34
Adam1 ShahniAdam1 Shahni2012-08-13 03:00:46
madmax7637 Arkaralmadmax7637 Arkaral2012-07-10 13:00:01
Discomanco EtoDiscomanco Eto2012-07-01 19:30:08
DiscomancoDiscomanco2011-11-18 19:05:00
Vestri AllaronVestri Allaron2010-03-31 03:18:00
MisterJonkoMisterJonko2009-12-01 19:56:00
3Clips3Clips2009-06-21 15:26:00
AssasinationNationAssasinationNation2008-06-13 14:01:00
JJ BrutorJJ Brutor2007-02-25 11:56:00
AaronovskyAaronovsky2006-04-16 14:01:00
Modwain AllaronModwain Allaron2006-03-05 13:59:00
Hector BresHector Bres2005-09-30 23:45:00

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