 » Showing 42 of 42 pilot(s) from corporationDate of Birth
Benji1986Benji19862023-06-27 18:38:16
Eohdorr LeitlingEohdorr Leitling2015-03-15 17:14:53
grover1000grover10002013-11-05 22:07:04
ernie1000ernie10002013-11-05 21:45:16
Frozenwaffle SauceFrozenwaffle Sauce2013-06-03 20:18:47
Duke Leto HarkonnenDuke Leto Harkonnen2013-04-02 04:07:05
Aierie HarperAierie Harper2013-02-12 04:50:14
Lexis LarissaLexis Larissa2012-12-13 23:16:04
Serene SolarstormSerene Solarstorm2012-08-06 01:23:58
Gabua DalucaGabua Daluca2012-08-04 01:55:50
Anna IjonenAnna Ijonen2012-07-09 17:41:52
fong Erikerfong Eriker2012-03-14 23:45:08
Rutabaga SunshineRutabaga Sunshine2011-12-21 18:32:59
Bucky FunkjunkBucky Funkjunk2011-12-17 06:44:44
El Senor EgivandEl Senor Egivand2011-05-08 02:01:00
charis Saissorecharis Saissore2011-01-21 04:16:00
Lak'elLak'el2010-10-07 01:59:00
Von VegesackVon Vegesack2010-06-28 18:57:00
Eric VegesackEric Vegesack2010-06-27 21:12:00
Esmeralda GossetEsmeralda Gosset2010-05-13 23:02:00
VengenseVengense2010-03-07 03:42:00
Natalia DraugadottirNatalia Draugadottir2010-01-30 14:58:00
Le'kalLe'kal2010-01-04 23:34:00
Jun'KizarJun'Kizar2009-12-22 04:51:00
Jezebel GossetJezebel Gosset2009-08-25 17:35:00
Pindo ShuniPindo Shuni2009-01-01 23:04:00
BellsarioBellsario2008-10-23 10:38:00
KatozyemKatozyem2008-10-13 04:23:00
TofumTofum2008-09-15 14:41:00
PhaadPhaad2008-08-16 16:35:00
captain cutthroatcaptain cutthroat2008-02-28 23:58:00
CeeshaCeesha2007-12-01 20:08:00
aurora suneaurora sune2007-08-18 21:23:00
kbkid2kbkid22007-05-09 01:22:00
bert1000bert10002007-03-10 00:45:00
Sub26Sub262006-10-31 19:26:00
Burgaler BillBurgaler Bill2006-10-04 06:57:00
Sable LowellSable Lowell2006-06-22 09:21:00
PercussorPercussor2006-04-05 23:36:00
Nova HammerstarNova Hammerstar2006-02-13 15:36:00
Felix LazlowFelix Lazlow2006-01-31 19:59:00
CraverCraver2004-01-31 16:15:00

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