 » Showing 29 of 29 pilot(s) from corporationDate of Birth
Lunam VenatorLunam Venator2021-10-10 02:02:12
Indy DrakyrassIndy Drakyrass2017-07-03 09:17:07
Zevestra JuliusZevestra Julius2016-10-27 19:16:12
Sigurd RagnarsonSigurd Ragnarson2015-07-06 17:21:46
Gyda RagnarsdoterGyda Ragnarsdoter2015-06-26 16:17:47
Ivar RagnarsonIvar Ragnarson2015-06-11 22:36:25
LadgerthaLadgertha2014-10-25 14:39:47
Mare NectarisMare Nectaris2014-10-02 10:57:42
Lunar CycleLunar Cycle2014-10-02 08:05:29
Cassini OrbiterCassini Orbiter2014-10-01 21:57:22
Hope SharisaHope Sharisa2014-07-09 08:36:48
Suspect CrosshairSuspect Crosshair2014-07-08 15:26:25
AnotherDudeWith NoNameAnotherDudeWith NoName2014-02-05 13:26:50
Adudewith NoNameAdudewith NoName2014-02-05 12:46:30
Anabelle BoergesAnabelle Boerges2014-01-29 07:21:19
Synchronous RotationSynchronous Rotation2014-01-27 08:54:30
Maressa PseradMaressa Pserad2013-08-22 21:35:38
Primal EssencePrimal Essence2013-05-31 19:15:36
Rio-TintoRio-Tinto2013-01-20 01:39:15
Trig AurilenTrig Aurilen2012-11-06 08:28:06
Star Streaker FunailaStar Streaker Funaila2012-10-18 18:59:35
PeroxissPeroxiss2012-05-31 16:34:27
Cyno HitaCyno Hita2012-05-28 03:55:21
Lazerbeam KazamLazerbeam Kazam2011-02-22 12:06:00
VhyporVhypor2010-11-15 17:54:00
Winter ChillWinter Chill2009-10-05 10:43:00
Elisha StarkillerElisha Starkiller2009-09-18 09:34:00
ThinyThiny2009-05-09 15:51:00
Amaki TintAmaki Tint2007-09-12 18:23:00

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