 » Showing 34 of 34 pilot(s) from corporationDate of Birth
Darmin DenkenDarmin Denken2016-04-07 17:50:27
Hr Ulle LangJorgnensHr Ulle LangJorgnens2012-03-04 22:21:46
Loki LaufeyrjarsonLoki Laufeyrjarson2010-11-15 12:16:00
knok knokknok knok2010-03-25 20:04:00
MariomaMarioma2009-10-02 07:10:00
Shadras NulShadras Nul2009-06-01 02:44:00
LensmanTTLensmanTT2009-05-13 13:24:00
LensmanJELensmanJE2009-05-07 16:24:00
Lycosa RabidaLycosa Rabida2009-02-05 21:17:00
AmahenvecAmahenvec2009-01-17 13:58:00
Corporate PigCorporate Pig2008-05-19 09:56:00
Green LensmanGreen Lensman2008-01-06 16:24:00
Grey Lensman1Grey Lensman12007-11-20 08:55:00
Wicked WillowWicked Willow2007-10-06 09:01:00
HellmouthHellmouth2007-06-17 13:57:00
Phthonos NemesisPhthonos Nemesis2007-06-16 18:15:00
Guinea PigGuinea Pig2007-06-01 22:25:00
PyanfarrPyanfarr2007-02-15 09:54:00
TyratticaTyrattica2006-09-11 22:36:00
IridiumSunriseIridiumSunrise2006-08-18 23:13:00
Capt AdamaCapt Adama2006-01-15 11:42:00
Kyhm ChanurKyhm Chanur2005-12-27 09:11:00
Trevize DaneeelTrevize Daneeel2005-10-07 06:50:00
Mavi SakalMavi Sakal2005-07-02 19:16:00
PikchaalootchoosPikchaalootchoos2004-12-15 23:16:00
HeliokzHeliokz2004-10-22 21:31:00
Marcus WyldMarcus Wyld2004-09-26 12:30:00
KiraiKirai2004-09-25 13:09:00
AllyalAllyal2004-08-16 16:23:00
Psy Te'rPsy Te'r2004-08-15 20:18:00
LayboldLaybold2004-07-08 16:29:00
Red lensmanRed lensman2004-04-19 19:39:00
GothlarinGothlarin2004-01-17 20:59:00
SilverSoldierSilverSoldier2003-12-08 16:27:00

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