 » Showing 22 of 22 pilot(s) from alliance CorporationDate of Birth
19Blackstar9219Blackstar92Power of LegendsPower of Legends2015-03-31 15:24:02
Lord DragmordLord DragmordPower of LegendsPower of Legends2013-05-02 21:26:27
Diant RaktanDiant RaktanPower of LegendsPower of Legends2011-07-25 17:50:00
Tom SirgunTom SirgunNautilus YardNautilus Yard2011-03-12 13:06:00
Weberlurst LightWeberlurst LightNautilus YardNautilus Yard2011-03-07 01:07:00
Utopia BoneUtopia BoneValkyrie PolarlightsValkyrie Polarlights2011-02-25 19:32:00
ShakraraShakraraNautilus YardNautilus Yard2011-02-16 00:19:00
IxFrostixIIxFrostixIPower of LegendsPower of Legends2011-01-16 10:20:00
Bitchka BoneowskiBitchka BoneowskiValkyrie PolarlightsValkyrie Polarlights2011-01-13 13:02:00
Musashi YamatoMusashi YamatoNautilus YardNautilus Yard2010-12-25 19:37:00
Winston MorganWinston MorganNautilus YardNautilus Yard2010-11-07 00:19:00
ShakrarShakrarNautilus YardNautilus Yard2010-05-28 16:17:00
xAvalornxxAvalornxPower of LegendsPower of Legends2010-02-24 00:39:00
Darvan NaderDarvan NaderValkyrie IndustriesValkyrie Industries2010-02-15 08:08:00
IIIAndreIIIIIIAndreIIIPower of LegendsPower of Legends2010-01-31 23:22:00
Nimra BoneNimra BoneValkyrie PolarlightsValkyrie Polarlights2010-01-10 18:31:00
AvabloomAvabloomPower of LegendsPower of Legends2009-08-26 21:46:00
Dark TalesDark TalesValkyrie AdministrationValkyrie Administration2009-08-26 13:40:00
contra79contra79Nautilus YardNautilus Yard2008-04-24 15:13:00
man1aculman1aculValkyrie IndustriesValkyrie Industries2007-11-17 18:39:00
xxxANDORxxxxxxANDORxxxPower of LegendsPower of Legends2007-10-21 13:47:00
Mc BallingforthMc BallingforthPower of LegendsPower of Legends2004-09-20 10:35:00

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