 » Showing 36 of 36 pilot(s) from alliance CorporationDate of Birth
Robot TusRobot TusKryten SolutionsKryten Solutions2014-02-07 23:15:33
Robot TusRobot TusKryten SolutionsKryten Solutions2014-02-07 23:15:33
Cojack HarfordCojack HarfordInvicta LeagueInvicta League2014-02-07 02:43:46
Mac SpaceshipMac SpaceshipInvicta LeagueInvicta League2014-02-07 00:00:51
Alt TusAlt TusKryten SolutionsKryten Solutions2013-12-28 15:12:14
Alt TusAlt TusKryten SolutionsKryten Solutions2013-12-28 15:12:14
Sophie KechiaSophie KechiaKryten SolutionsKryten Solutions2012-12-23 16:48:44
Sophie KechiaSophie KechiaKryten SolutionsKryten Solutions2012-12-23 16:48:44
Lover of TusLover of TusSinners Among SaintsSinners Among Saints2012-06-02 03:50:14
icis82icis82Iron Horse Manufacturing IncorporatedIron Horse Manufacturing Incorporated2011-12-24 00:38:42
Kommandant TusKommandant TusTus EmporiumTus Emporium2011-12-20 04:43:17
Tus TussehTus TussehTus EmporiumTus Emporium2011-12-10 19:03:21
whiskerbiscuit Actaultwhiskerbiscuit ActaultIron Horse Manufacturing IncorporatedIron Horse Manufacturing Incorporated2011-07-07 23:30:00
Tus SmurfTus SmurfKryten SolutionsKryten Solutions2010-11-30 07:00:00
Tus SmurfTus SmurfKryten SolutionsKryten Solutions2010-11-30 07:00:00
Nordali AmistranNordali AmistranTus EmporiumTus Emporium2010-11-24 09:27:00
firburgerfirburgerIron Horse Manufacturing IncorporatedIron Horse Manufacturing Incorporated2009-11-15 02:33:00
The AnnyhilatorThe AnnyhilatorCheese Nippels' Tax ShelterCheese Nippels' Tax Shelter2009-08-07 06:06:00
ShevraanShevraanInvicta LeagueInvicta League2009-04-01 14:24:00
Research NavicatResearch NavicatAura IndustriesAura Industries2009-02-27 01:25:00
Dr LuciousDr LuciousIron Horse Manufacturing IncorporatedIron Horse Manufacturing Incorporated2008-12-17 21:04:00
Research TussehResearch TussehAura IndustriesAura Industries2008-05-11 15:35:00
Research TusResearch TusKryten SolutionsKryten Solutions2008-04-15 22:25:00
Research TusResearch TusKryten SolutionsKryten Solutions2008-04-15 22:25:00
RieallaRieallaAura IndustriesAura Industries2008-01-17 01:09:00
Adamata HelioAdamata HelioInvicta LeagueInvicta League2008-01-07 09:14:00
TussehTussehKryten SolutionsKryten Solutions2007-11-02 16:02:00
TussehTussehKryten SolutionsKryten Solutions2007-11-02 16:02:00
AerokellaAerokellaConfuse-A-Cat Ltd.Confuse-A-Cat Ltd.2007-03-05 23:48:00
Daisuke TenmaDaisuke TenmaInvicta LeagueInvicta League2007-02-03 07:59:00
TusTusKryten SolutionsKryten Solutions2006-11-20 18:14:00
TusTusKryten SolutionsKryten Solutions2006-11-20 18:14:00
AquatiaAquatiaInvicta LeagueInvicta League2006-06-25 22:45:00
Nefu JaxNefu JaxAura IndustriesAura Industries2006-03-04 08:21:00
ZevonZevonConfuse-A-Cat Ltd.Confuse-A-Cat Ltd.2005-02-03 06:27:00
cronotancronotanAura IndustriesAura Industries2004-11-28 19:54:00

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