 » Showing 22 of 22 pilot(s) from alliance CorporationDate of Birth
Aku DarkAku DarkScarab EmpireScarab Empire2016-01-31 16:37:13
Kenneth DoshuKenneth DoshuLords.Of.MidnightLords.Of.Midnight2015-09-04 05:58:43
Wael Hucel-GeWael Hucel-GeLords.Of.MidnightLords.Of.Midnight2014-08-22 23:04:37
DavalunDavalunScarab EmpireScarab Empire2013-07-24 12:51:13
Bruma KhardulaBruma KhardulaDevils Rejects 666Devils Rejects 6662013-07-11 02:02:47
Theseus RaholanTheseus RaholanLords.Of.MidnightLords.Of.Midnight2013-06-14 06:03:00
Lillith MalkavianLillith MalkavianDevils Rejects 666Devils Rejects 6662013-01-20 01:56:27
Fr0ken FrydFr0ken FrydDevil's Evil SpiritsDevil's Evil Spirits2010-11-08 10:16:00
SociogogueSociogogueDevils Rejects 666Devils Rejects 6662010-06-07 19:14:00
FluorbonatiteFluorbonatiteDevils Rejects 666Devils Rejects 6662009-09-21 01:05:00
Ian VashtiIan VashtiDevil's Evil SpiritsDevil's Evil Spirits2009-05-05 23:15:00
Wu FeyWu FeyDevil's Evil SpiritsDevil's Evil Spirits2009-05-05 23:14:00
Sir TearzSir TearzDevils Rejects 666Devils Rejects 6662009-01-03 20:47:00
Diva TartarnyaDiva TartarnyaDevils Rejects 666Devils Rejects 6662008-12-14 00:26:00
Lord RazpatazLord RazpatazDevils Rejects 666Devils Rejects 6662008-12-06 19:51:00
MantiClawMantiClawThe Devil's Warrior HoldingThe Devil's Warrior Holding2007-03-13 12:42:00
ZiehnZiehnDevils Rejects 666Devils Rejects 6662006-06-06 08:18:00
South24South24Scarab EmpireScarab Empire2005-08-17 16:44:00
ZenRathZenRathDevils Rejects 666Devils Rejects 6662005-06-09 20:02:00
FuscousFuscousDevils Rejects 666Devils Rejects 6662004-11-11 10:07:00
Nor StoneiNor StoneiDevils Rejects 666Devils Rejects 6662004-10-05 17:39:00
JayKayJayKayScarab EmpireScarab Empire2004-02-16 18:13:00

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